Kingdom Kids is our Children’s Ministry that offers Bible school classes at 9:00 am & 11:00 am on Sundays at the Farmhouse for children in Preschool through the 6th Grade and childcare for 0 through two years old in the nursery. Children are taught age-appropriate Bible lessons, by caring teachers, while parents participate in worship service at the Worship Center. We would love to partner with you to help your child(ren) grow in their faith.


We have additional Bible classes for kids on Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30. This time is very hands-on and interactive. Wednesday evening programming takes a break during the summer months and on days Little Miami schools are closed.


Additional events are planned throughout the year for families. We have a Fall Festival, whole church picnics and opportunities to serve together. During the summer, park and swim days are scheduled for parents to connect with each other while our Kingdom Kids enjoy unstructured time together. These events are shared via our whole church newsletter and announcements on Sunday mornings.


Contact us at

Sunday Morning Coordinator – Jackie Cebulskie –
Wednesday Evening Coordinator – Judi McDaniel –
Nursery Coordinator – Lisa Walker –

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