Did you hear about the Israeli Intelligence Ministry report issued last week? The report was presented to all the military divisions in Israel.  Check it out for yourself at this link

The report explains that a combination of supply chain issues, climate change, the pandemic, and the economic downturn have combined to create global destabilization. It postulates that changes in the Middle East due to the Abraham Accords, and in the relationships between the three world powers will make Israel less important to the rest of the world. After all, if the Middle East is at peace, the world won’t be so focused on Israel. And if the nations enter World War III, Israel’s strength at fighting terrorism won’t be nearly as significant.

The report states, 

“The world is at a transition point analogous to being on the verge of a cliff, after which a series of crises striking simultaneously will reorder the planet’s geopolitics, the place of technology, the economic order and a variety of other disciplines from health to energy.”

One thing that makes this particular report impactful is that the Ministry speculates all of these crises will occur within 10 years. “A series of crises striking simultaneously” is exactly what Jesus referred to as the beginning of birth pains. The list of concerns in this article sounds very much like what Jesus said in Matthew 24:6-8.

“And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet.  For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.  All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.”

Jesus let us know to expect these things. Why did He let us know? So that we won’t be alarmed. Instead, we can be excited to be part of this generation. We can be grateful to know what the rest of the world can’t understand. There is great joy in knowing Christ will return soon!