The Way - Acts of the Apostles

A year-long series in the book of Acts.


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The Way - Acts of the Apostles

Persecution Resolution

February 23, 2025

After healing the man born lame Peter and John find themselves on trial before the same powerful men who handed Jesus over to Pilate to be crucified. Join us this week in Acts 4 as...
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Preacher: Shawn Isaacs | Passage: Acts 4

The Way - Acts of the Apostles

A Proclamation of Restoration

February 16, 2025

Peter, with a healed man clinging to him, proclaims the same restoration that has come upon the lame man can come to all who repent and return to God. What was dead can live again....
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Preacher: Shawn Isaacs | Passage: Acts 3

The Way - Acts of the Apostles

The Church Stands Up

February 9, 2025

Peter stands up to preach the first sermon of the church age, and the one word that best-describes both the sermon and the reception is CONVICTION. Join us this week as we study Ac...
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Preacher: Ben Walker | Passage: Acts 2:12-47

The Way - Acts of the Apostles

The Church is Born

February 2, 2025

The second chapter of Acts contains the emergence of the church in power. This week we gather to study the climax of that gathering on the day of Pentecost, along with the signi...
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Preacher: Ben Walker | Passage: Acts 2:1-11

The Way - Acts of the Apostles

The Church that Chooses

January 26, 2025

Last week we discussed our status as “Chosen,” understanding that we are part of God’s eternal plan, and this week we’re going to look at the kinds of choosing that the cho...
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Preacher: Ben Walker | Passage: Acts 1:12 - 26

The Way - Acts of the Apostles

Handing Over the Reign

January 19, 2025

We start with the first chapter of Acts in our year-long series. Who was Theophilus? What was it like for the Apostles during the 40 days Jesus was with them? What was it like when...
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Preacher: Ben Walker | Passage: Acts 1:1-11, Dan 7:13-14, John 20:16-17, Matt 24:30, 26:64, Rev 1:7

Showing 1 to 6 of 140


Browse our sermon series. Click on a series image to see the sermons.

A year-long series in the book of Acts.

Preached from 01/12/2025 to 03/02/2025

Discipleship is a collective enterprise... we can’t do it alone. In this series, we will look at the communal aspects of following Jesus.

Preached from 12/08/2024 to 12/29/2024

We’ll be spending a month focusing on playing defense (spiritually speaking). We’ll take the core of our teaching from our book of Titus, as we look at how disciples develop s [more]

Preached from 11/03/2024 to 12/01/2024

Evangelism can intimidate the most faithful of disciples. In this series we’ll look at some practical principles, then as the leaves change colors and we make our way into Octobe [more]

Preached from 09/01/2024 to 10/27/2024

Within 20 years of Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension; a church was founded in a small region known as Thessalonica. This church grew exponentially even in the thick of [more]

Preached from 06/02/2024 to 08/25/2024

When you do wrong, who do you talk to about it and why? Confession is a discipline that not many people embrace within the church, but perhaps the all-knowing God has a reason for [more]

Preached from 05/05/2024 to 05/26/2024

Many of the spiritual disciplines are occurring within a person, but some disciplines have so much external evidence that it’s impossible not to see these disciplines in the life [more]

Preached from 04/07/2024 to 04/28/2024

What is the difference between deep humans and shallow humans? It’s what goes on inside a person. We begin our look at the spiritual disciplines by first addressing those which [more]

Preached from 03/03/2024 to 03/31/2024

"Who do you say I am?" Jesus asked after a day of healings and miracles. Demons and disciples alike recognize Jesus as the Christ, but it's ultimately how one lives that reveals tr [more]

Preached from 02/04/2024 to 02/25/2024

What does the term disciple mean? Is there a difference between a Christian and a disciple? Join us as we examine the first-century relationship between a Rabbi and his disciples [more]

Preached from 01/14/2024 to 01/28/2024

Looking back at the previous year's sermons.

Preached from 01/07/2024 to 01/05/2025

How does God choose to communicate to humanity? Most of us don’t get visits from angels, rather we get the written word. But what does that word contain? Lists of rules or epi [more]

Preached from 11/05/2023 to 12/31/2023

Civilizations fall. Most such falls are preceded by social and moral degradation. When a culture is in open rebellion against God, what is the believer to do? In the case of the [more]

Preached from 09/03/2023 to 10/29/2023

The doctrine (teaching) of the trinity is in many ways central to Christianity, but is at the same time one of the least understood pieces of theology in Christendom. How does God [more]

Preached from 08/06/2023 to 08/27/2023

One really bad practice or idea can be an ongoing problem in your relationship with God or with others in your life. These ideas are sometimes very deeply rooted in your thinking [more]

Preached from 07/02/2023 to 07/30/2023

When God chose for Himself the people of Israel and led them out of their captivity in Egypt, one of the first things He did was to bestow ten laws meant to govern how people relat [more]

Preached from 04/23/2023 to 06/25/2023

We have a guest speaker!

Preached from 03/26/2023 to 03/26/2023

In the gospels we encounter Jesus over-and-over-again saying the phrase “I am…” and then Jesus shares some deep theological truth about who he is. These I am statements are [more]

Preached from 03/05/2023 to 04/16/2023

We’ve just come off of a series of sermons on relationship tools and it’s time to put those tools to good use: fixing and repairing actual relationships. This series will exam [more]

Preached from 02/05/2023 to 02/26/2023

Things that are broken require fixing, and fixing requires the right tools. When it comes to relationships, there are some attitudes and actions (tools) that God instructs us to h [more]

Preached from 01/08/2023 to 01/29/2023

It may surprise you to know that most of the people who reject the existence of God typically do so for the same few reasons. In this series we’ll trot out those reasons and int [more]

Preached from 12/04/2022 to 01/01/2023

Prayer is communion with God but it is also martialing the power of heaven to accomplish our Father’s will.  Join us all this month as [more]

Preached from 11/06/2022 to 11/27/2022

With November around the corner our series, "Citizen," will dive into how a Christian is to think about the government and political world. What is a Biblical way to think of gover [more]

Preached from 10/02/2022 to 10/30/2022

How does God perceive our rejection of Him?  How does God experience our lack of fidelity?  [more]

Preached from 09/04/2022 to 09/25/2022

This series is where we group all of our special event messages such as guest preachers and VBS.

Preached from 07/03/2022 to 07/03/2022

Would it interest you to know you are in the midst of a war? This war is an ancient war that has been raging behind the veil of physical existence far longer than you have been al [more]

Preached from 06/05/2022 to 08/28/2022

“I can plod. I can persevere in any pursuit. To this I owe everything.” -William Carey The virtue of plodding! To plod is to walk heavily or laboriously, in slow or difficu [more]

Preached from 05/22/2022 to 05/29/2022


We are blessed with men preaching God's word. Click on a preacher's photo to see his sermons.

Ben Walker

Ben is our Preaching Minister. He joined CFLM leading our youth while working at Northern Hills Church of Christ.
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Shawn Isaacs

Shawn and Kristin have been married since June of 2006 and have three sons (Oliver, Owen, and Evan), and two German Shepherds (Padfoot and Hickory).  He studied Biblical studies at CCU and spent ten
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John Dye

John and Zandra are veteran missionaries with more than 20 years of experience in Venezuela. John was born and raised on the mission field and is part of a great legacy of missionaries in his family.
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Denford Chizanga

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Steve Jordan

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PIet Overbeecke

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